We got the idea of having this enigmatic man from the opening of Kill Bill one. From this we see the hand of this man but throughout we cannot know who this man actually is. We also cannot be sure of what significance this man has in this film and this relates very closely to our film as we also are unable to establish what significance our enigmatic man has in our opening which leaves it open for the audience to debate and guess on their own.
We could also question 'What has this girl done to deserve this punishment?' During the opening to Kill Bill one we can't tell what the girl has done to be left bleeding and injured; which also relates highly to our film as the aim was to mirror Kill Bill and create that identical sense of the audience unaware of what this girl has done to be left injured like this.
The 2nd aspect we looked at was the potential use of a pearl necklece. As seen in Once Upon A Time In America, Eve is wearing a pearl necklece which symbolised tears. It could also have been an insight to what was going to happen next; in this case, it could have portrayed that death or tragedy were going to occur in the not so distant future.
There was some debate on where the thriller would be shot. We came to the conclusion that we should shoot in Norwich city centre. This was because of the many concrete streets that there are. In the shot below we can see the concrete street where our thriller took place.
In these two shots, we challenged the forms and conventions of media products ever so slightly. In the shot from 'Essex Boys' we can see the wet, shiny road where the car has just came from whereas in our shot above, the concrete is quite clearly dry. It only came down to the wrong day at the wrong time. However this challenges what this shot below shows as it shows that sense of nightmare or unreality which our thriller doesn't and only builds up to at the end of the opening.
Camera angles
Similarly in our thriller, we used a close up the scrunched up paper and the foot from when the girl see's the wanted poster.
This challenge the use of close up because regularly the close up is used to show emotions of a character but in this sense and the two pictures above, it shows an object just so we can see what they are more clearly.
Lighting we used ambient and non ambient lighting, particularly how I used the convention of chiaroscuro lighting in our flashback to indicate nightmare. This lighting design that I used is also strongly developed in The Third Man. In my thriller we developed the use of ambient and non-ambient lighting by using for example, a spotlight for our flashback.
I also used conventions in my opening to my thriller film to include mt titles and cliffhangers.
Here in Se7en, the titles used are present for longer than normal which would show that obviously the director has more time to show them all. We can also understand how the titles are all over the place which is where I used them and put my credits in different positions and developed it by, for example, putting my 'Missing' at the end onto a black screen as it creates tha suspence.
A well organised answer - at times you lose the focus of the question which is about how you use, develop or challenge generic codes and conventions.
ReplyDeleteTo strengthen:
1) Your reference to the Dartford Tunnel in Essex Boys is rather vague so I would delete this. Instead explain how you used bleak urban locations which are a generic convention of thrillers. Essex Boys is a reference.
2) Lighting you need to reference how you used ambient and non ambient lighting, particularly your use of the convention of chiaroscuro lighting in your flashback to indicate nightmare. This lighting design is also strongly developed in The Third Man.
3) You need to add how you used the conventions of the opening to a thriller film to include titles and cliff hanger. I've just emailed all Year 12B Media for links to the openings of a thriller film.
4) Sound - how you used a soundtrack which adds suspense (generic convention)to the mise-en-scene and reference a film where the soundtrack strengthens meaning.
5) Props: The importance of the poster which is a key to the narrative, and strongly references the title of the film.
6) Use of flashback, how you used the convention of black and white to signal to the audience that the sequence of the injured girl is a memory and gives the girl a back story, whilst real time is in colour. If you go to Wikipedia "The conventions of flashback" you will be able to quote and discuss how you used this convention.
Your write well but if you include my suggestions, or some of them, this will add positively to your grade.